Not sure why there is a debate going on here... facts for you:1....

  1. 5,225 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1029
    Not sure why there is a debate going on here... facts for you:

    1. Melbourne still had ongoing community cases when 30,000 selfish people decided to mass gather for yet another protest
    2. This virus is so deadly because it’s so contagious, so the infection rate is the likes of which we’ve never seen.
    3. So 30,000 people gather, and closely, then return home after feeling warm and fuzzy yet achieving absolutely nothing besides spreading the virus all over Melbourne.
    4. Woke individuals deny, somehow that protesting mass gatherings are exempt from spreading said virus.... yet a man who entered a NSW pub managed to give it to 21 people in the same pub. Go figure, guess he’s not woke.
    5. Several people have already died from the new spread of the virus, in parts faults of the protests.
    6. Don’t all lives matter? Not sure what that protest achieved. I can bet that quite easily 90% or more who attended do absolutely nothing for the disadvantaged (ie a remote aboriginal community in Australia). All they do is post rubbish on social media
    7. This will now cost even more lives, cause even more suicides as businesses go under, and the federal gov will lose $10s of billions too.

    thankyou to all those ignorant selfish individuals. I hope you can see past your addiction to social media and posting black squares.
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