I am not a political analyst, actually this thread is about...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 35
    I am not a political analyst, actually this thread is about economics or political economy and not about politics.

    What I suspect is that inflation and rising inequality has a lot to do with the way that people fill as everybody must be noticing the price increases that come associated with it, including and perhaps in a very strong way the raises in the costs of servicing consumer debt and mortgages due to the implementation of a monetary policy of high interest rates.

    As any student of elementary macroeconomics can tell you this increase in the interest rates is being caused by a very hot, hot economy or if you prefer, an economy where the aggregate demand exceeds the capacity of the economy to supply the goods and services being demanded leading to increases in prices, a situation which is typical of an economy working above full employment.

    Why the United States’ economy has powered ahead of other rich nations | CNN Business

    The subjects of economics and political economy are very vast and very hard to learn and even harder to apply in the analyses of contemporary events. A situation made worse by the lack of economic lateral vision. Most people posting here seem only to know one source of economic thought, analyses and commentary called ZeroHedge.

    "a far-right libertarian financial blog and news aggregator. Zero Hedge, per its motto, is bearish in its investment outlook and analysis, often deriving from its adherence to the Austrian School of economics and credit cycles. While often labeled as a financial permabear. Zero Hedge has also been described as a source of "cutting-edge news, rumors and gossip in the financial industry".[26]Over time, Zero Hedge expanded into non-financial political content,[c] including conspiracy theories and fringe rhetoric[3][28] advancing radical right,[15][29] alt-right,[30][31][32] and pro-Russia positions.[1][33][34][35] Zero Hedge's non-financial commentary has led to multiple site bans by global social media platforms, although its 2019 Facebook ban[36][37] and 2020 Twitter ban were later reversed.[15][38]

    Zero Hedge - Wikipedia

    One way to lose lateral vision.

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