Peter Schiff Finally Backs Off from His Ridiculous...

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    Peter Schiff Finally Backs Off from His Ridiculous Hyperinflation Claims After 15 Years of Being Wrong

    Peter Schiff finally backs off from his prior claims that the U.S. would enter hyperinflation. As you might recall, Schiff was scaring people for many years with these ridiculous claims in order to sell his shiny rocks which he continues to claim is "real money."

    On a sunny Friday in late January, investigators from the Australian Tax Office issued subpoenas and fired off letters as part of an unprecedented probe that reached around the world.

    "It was a similar scene in Amsterdam, where investigators from the Dutch tax agency set about a similar task. So, too, did investigators in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. While none of the millionaire tax dodgers targeted on January 24, including about 100 Australians, knew each other, they shared a bond: they were customers of a little-known Caribbean bank.

    The Euro Pacific Bank in Puerto Rico’s capital San Juan was founded by American celebrity investor and business commentator Peter Schiff."

    Peter Schiff Finally Backs Off from His Ridiculous Hyperinflation... (

    How Peter Schiff and Euro Pacific was undone by Operation Atlantis (

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