Blessed is everyone who keeps the Sabbath and does not profane it., page-17

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    I would have thought that you whereu, are aware that the language that goes right back, that each letter has meanings, picture grams etc and each letter has a number value and numbers in the Bible have meanings.
    They also used letters for counting, using their letter number values.

    Generally, just like the small example I showed, and many Key words show, you can search the Bible for verses, which support the findings perfectly.

    Another example, if you take the word Lamb, is a very short brief, is sums up Jesus to a tee, in regards to the works the Father gave him, which align perfectly with the likes of John 17:20-23.
    Bind, twist together (wool), all to be one as he and the father are one.
    There's more on the Lamb matter, all Bible supported.

    To boot and coincidences or not, if you examine the "I AM" from Ex, you pretty much get the identical message that I showed for God's 4 letter name.
    Similar message with more details arrive from the words - Father, God etc.

    I have examined a number of Key words, and an overall theme keeps repeating itself and not to mention, you can see where Jesus only comes into the picture, which so happens to support what I often say.

    Naturally, if the Bible verses do not support it and quite significantly, then one shouldn't be forcing it or accepting any creations.

    Personally, I feel it is one of God's seals on his words, to possibly catch out the thieves LOL.
    IMO, too much shows up, to write them off and coincidences.
    "It seems that God's command to man to be fruitful and to multiply"

    That falls under the Word = 1:14 b - And the Word man became many.
    Word God and image of -> Word Man. wink.png
    "God should scale this back a bit which he may be doing in some locations."

    It's been a long time giving birth to all his children, but mother earth as with your mother, does not give birth to 10 or more at once. eek.png
    Hence it would seem, our mother is nearing the end of her child baring years? tongue.png

    One of the Books not included in our Bibles, cover this and if memory serves me correct, it may have even pinpointed her age, at the time that book was written?

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