Blessed is everyone who keeps the Sabbath and does not profane it., page-21

  1. 23,432 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "@wotsup, I'm doing no more than requesting you to do what you demand of others: provide Biblical backing."

    I gave you my answer, re letters of the originals have meanings, along with the numbers that are represented by them, and how messages can be obtained from some Key words and THESE messages can well and truly be backed by many Bible verses, along with what the Bible shows, certain numbers represent.

    These words, with letters naturally, lol, are IN the Bible.


    "Lamb is an English word " -> OH DRRRR, ruuuuuuly tongue.png

    For your information, the word "lamb" is in the OT and it doesn't take rocket science, to look up the relevant word Lamb in the Interlinear, to find the appropriate language, so you can examine the meaning of their letters and their numbers, to see the clear and obvious message, which fits Jesus perfectly in several ways.
    Including, the God and Fathers grace through him, a new beginning through Jesus, which he teaches and binds together into one, with the words the Father gave him John 17:20-23
    Jesus being at around the age of 30 when he began his ministry and we know that 30 also, effectively represents his blood, as he was sold for 30 pieces of silver.

    BUT, if you don't see that as being Biblical, then so be it.
    " if you work at it you will find coincidences."

    I'm talking of around 15-20 key words that I used and pretty much a Key theme keeps coming up, all in perfect alignment with the overall Bible theme.
    As of yet, I have not added all number meanings as well, from the Bible, which would show a bigger and more confirming.
    To suggest coincidences imo, would be rather stupid as by Jo, there would need to be a lot of them, pretty much on the same page what.png

    "You had opposed the concept that the original version of "I am" refers to God."

    You will NOT find that creation of yours, in any of my posts, over the years that I've been on here.
    God as in Yehowah, is the I AM in Ex.

    When Jesus says, before Abraham I am = I was -> he in NO WAY is alluding to the I AM in Ex, that is nothing but fairy talk from the father of lies.

    Likewise when Jesus is effectively asked, are you the Son of God, he simply answers that with -> I am = Yes I am the one you asked me about.
    For people to claim this is referring to I AM in EX, is absolute DELUSIONAL and staggering, NO other plausible answer for this stupidity.
    It certainly demonstrates the Power of set seeds.

    In the mind and plans of God before an Abraham even come to mind, the firstborn of God's inner creations = (logos 1:1) where your creations begin, was for a Jesus to be and in the same context, the Jesus to be was the beginning of the creation of God. (Col 1:5, Rev 3:14, Rev 13:8, Eph 3:9, plan hid in God).

    Before Abraham, I am, I was = Gen 3:15 - And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed (the Jesus to be); He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel.”
    Before Abraham I am, I was = Rev 13:8 - All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

    You cannot refute this Abraham message shown here with the Bible, and maintain this Bible truth.

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