Get instant popularity by attacking Bligh over the ongoing flood...

  1. 253 Posts.
    Get instant popularity by attacking Bligh over the ongoing flood Disaster?

    Or - Tell it as this will appear to most Australians?

    Anna Bligh may have been tardy in initial response, but certainly seems to be doing her best since.
    As all pollies, she trains for a good TV presence, but lately above the pressure and the stress - has come across as determined and sincere,
    Looking at her on that long Ch 9 program this am, she really impressed one old male idiot - me.

    Of course those emergency people and police are the ones facing the horrible reality, more details upcoming today; Anna is mainly a figurehead, but still has to inspire and lead their response.

    While we are on it our friend Julia is doing a reasonable job of aiding Queensland (now); as for our Opposition Leader, Queenslanders have only seen him once. Just where is Tony Who?

    The opinion polls will Im certain confirm this in the near future, whether Liberal voters like it or not. And Im usually one.

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