Blind Blackout Bowen., page-31

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    and another oxygen thief!!

    He’s from inner-cityMelbourne.

    He spends $1 million ofYOUR money on “expenses” every year.

    And he LOVES private jets.

    His name is Adam Bandt andhe is the leader of the Greens.

    Remember when the “greens”were all about saving the trees?

    We used to call them“tree-huggers” and they were a bit of a joke.

    They won a few senateseats here and there. Whatever.

    But what started as a“save the whales” hippie collective has turned into a political machine thatthinks it can run your country and control your life.

    They started with a coupleof Senate spots, now they have four lower house seats in the Parliament.

    And they are going aftermore Labor seats.

    Adam Bandt is the man atthe head of their table.

    But he’s noenvironmentalist.

    He’s a hardcore politicaloperator who has been at the centre of power in this country for more than adecade.

    In 2010, he signed thedeal with woke PM Julia Gillard to deliver government to Labor.


    He’s pushed Labor to theleft on issues like immigration and the coal and gas industry.

    He thinks we can run amodern economy on Chinese-built wind turbines and solar panels.

    And he’s a world championclimate change whiner.

    Bandt hasn’t had a goodcouple of weeks, though.

    Turns out Australiansdon’t like to be harangued about a non-existent “climate crisis” by a bloke whospends $23,000 of their money living it up in private jets.1

    This bloke, who tells youhow to live and wants to inflict crippling taxes on families and farmers,thinks the rules shouldn’t apply to him.

    What did the “greens” sayabout the $1 million in expenses, including $200,000 in printing costs andtaxpayer-funded splurges on private jets?

    “As the leader of thethird-largest political party in Australia you would expect Mr Bandt wouldengage in extensive travel …”

    “All Mr Bandt’sexpenditures are within entitlements.”

    So you’re not allowed tohave a ute or a big family car.

    But he is “entitled” tospew carbon into the atmosphere with his taxpayer-funded private jet.

    Does that sound “green” toyou?

    Of course not.

    Because the “greens” areno longer about the environment.

    They are about “do as Isay, not as I do”.

    Adam Bandt likes topretend he’s different.

    But at the end of the day,what does he really stand for?

    Apart from himself, notmuch.

    Yours sincerely,


    Matthew Sheahan
    Executive Director, ADVANCE

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