BLM organiser lose appeal so they are going to March anyway.., page-7

  1. 34,341 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Have very good friend who was looking at a jv with an aboriginal group up kal way. She was looking at a 51/49 split but theh said no 55/45 minimum. She then discovered they wouldnt actually do anything except reap the reward and that she would have to do everything. Having once owned a gold mine in indonesia sheis pretty savvy anout how this all works. She came back to perth and got on the blower shellshocked. I did explain things to er before but now tjat she has een and experienced hiw they live and ghekr overall view on life, has a very different opinion, one group is in the process of a billion dollar deal with a mining company. And she couldnt believe that the groups in the area had been given $20 Billion. All that money and they stil live in squalor. This lady had a lot of compassion for them but the gloss has lost its sheen. She cant conceive how they do business
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