BLM rallies did not spread the virus.. indoor rallies do, page-48

  1. 4,461 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    That's a great description of the Liberal Party - always wanting to do social engineering on us, always wanting to tell us how to lead our private lives. You know, the ones who attempted to "Australianise" future citizens by having them pass silly tests about Don Bradman etc..Their big hero John Howard once bragged that if elected he would get rid of Medicare despite most of us wanting it to stay. Their also the ones who wanted to stop multiculturalism instead of letting people live however they want to live. They also had a goal to get rid of all Industrial Relations legislation, apologising to the HR Nicholls Society for not going far enough in this direction when they introduced Work Choices. Fortunately most of us have refused to countenance their bullshit. Howard even invaded Iraq (a war crime in international law, as well as morally) despite a clear majority of Australians not wanting to. They don't believe in democracy as, clearly, they know what's best for us.
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