bloomberg says constitution will change, page-10

  1. 21,239 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9

    diligent - I think I'm beginning to see your problem.

    now I do share your misgivings about the negative aspects of other cultures, no question there. And I would be as anxious as you to curtail them. However, it's the old question of babies and bathwater.....

    take the average citizen of any Middle Eastern country, what do you suppose they spend most of their time doing? hard at work perfecting the latest explosive device? or roaming the streets looking for any Westerner to mutilate, or taking a rest from beating their wives, or attending the latest public execution?.... hardly, they would be doing pretty well what anyone in the western world would be doing - trying to make a living, feeding their families, keeping a roof over their heads - but that doesn't make news now does it?

    if they do have a certain antipathy towards the West it wouldn't be because the West has invaded their lands and caused the deaths of so many innocent people would it? it wouldn't be because they feel a certain sympathy to the Palestinians whose land has been stolen by Israel with little or no censure from the USA who generously donate billions of dollars each year of taxpayer's money to Irael mainly for arms? and who effectively support Israel's apartheid policy towards Palestinians? I wonder how you would feel in their shoes? given your rabid comments from the Western side I'm sure you would be equally at home on the 'other' side if circumstances had placed you there instead.....

    so let's agree to stamp out atrocities wherever they might occur, and admit to the fact that it takes two to tango, as I said earlier, the Arab world didn't all wake up one morning in unison and say "Let's all hate America", there were many catalysts for what you now see and if you think the West blameless in this regard then you are condemned to a perverse view of the world for the rest of your life. Maybe. So be it.

    "Arghhh!... the baby!"

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