CNP 0.00% 4.0¢ cnpr group

The last few days CNP's share price has probably been dragged...

  1. 3,299 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 19
    The last few days CNP's share price has probably been dragged down by the activities in BNB. Yesterday I took the time to check out BNB cashflow statement in its most recent Annual Report, only to find it doesn't generate positive cashflow from its operating activities (unlike CNP). So it would be very wrong to compare BNB & CNP on how much cash they generate from their activities. Both may have lived on borrowed funds to grow their businesses, but CNP only needs to refinance curent borrrowings, while BNB will remain dependent on borrowed funds or new share capital to stop the business continually burning cash, unless it can make the businesses generate cash going forward. So not all businesses with current funding issues are in the same situation. CNP operates a cashflow positive business until BNB. For full comments on BNB cashflow, refer my most recent post on BNB thread.
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