boat people - centrelink cycle, page-47

  1. 2,983 Posts.
    Hi People, touchy topic about boat people.... we all have an opinion mostly from the comfort of our home, but please consider that the current system is a total failure and we need to be more open about making some serious changes/solutions.

    I love Australia, I consider myself a patriot and want to help and protect our sense of Identity but...

    ...until you actually visit these detention centers and understand the horrific circumstances people go through to get here it's easy to pass judgment on refugees who are only doing what you and I would do if in the same position... it's easy to adopt the attitude they will come here and ruin our country and remain ignorant and hostile against overpopulating our country with outside influence.

    As a country, we could approach this in a more humane way, we could empathise and assist people where possible yet it's a complete political stale mate with the refugees as the pawns. Countless lives of women and children are being lost, countless lives are being destroyed being locked up in our detention centers (which is polite way to say Prison)

    There are solutions, yet they are being ignored and brushed aside for political reasons.... if you're worried the economics of our country then our current set up is the biggest waste of tax payers money, not only that it is inhumane. Holding people in a detention center's for 4 years costs us heaps, about $1000 per week per refugee but the most sickening part is holding CHILDREN in detention centers.

    Here is my opinion, the community should be allowed to sponsor refugees, with assistance from the government. Not only would this save heaps of money, refugees would also get a chance to assimilate to our way of life and prevent the inhumane process that is currently in place. I would be happy to adopt a family, help them learn our way of life and teach them the Australian way but most of all prevent innocent people from being detained at our expense.

    Yes we have issues at home that need to be dealt with, there are plenty of homeless people, pensioners suffering, but it doesn't mean we can't work out better ways to sort out this mess and maybe save BILLIONS that we are tossing away on the current system.

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