Add Bob Katter's name to the list of Windsor/Oakeshott...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Add Bob Katter's name to the list of Windsor/Oakeshott hopelessness. I regard these three as traitors to Australia, IMO.

    Today, Katter just stopped any scrutiny of the NBN project going to the Productivity Commission for scrutiny! He voted against any such scrutiny - could not wait three months for them to do such scrutiny!

    Yes, he has joined forces again with the other two - is defiantly endorsing the NBN as a worthwhile project, and
    denounces the Productivity Commission as "useless",
    Hopeless" etc. Adjectives which, to myt mind, would be better applied to these three absolute ignoramuses!

    And he protested and spat defiance and hissy-fiited just now to every single objection put to him when challenged on it in a radio interview!

    Katter, a nasty and arrogant piece of work, told Chris Smith on 2GB/MTR that HE knows better than the rest of us, having "been in politics for so long".

    He is all for the NBN!
    Our futures in the dicey hands of these three!!!

    How ruddy frightening.

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