boiling waters adjacent to fukushima reactors, page-17

  1. 3,064 Posts.
    This appares to be a photo of sea mist from high Summer humidity. Some of the mist may even be produced by (uncontaminated) cooling water entering the ocean and effects of any additional warmth of the plant, but reactors have been in controlled cold shutdown for a long time now.
    The sea is definitely not "boiling", or even hot. Saying it is so is plain silly.

    You are hearing news about Fukushima again at the moment because a group of bigwigs visited site recently (with the media of course) and decided that bignoting the progress engineers were making was good for political point scoring and it helped justify their own positions as officials.

    Significant progress has been made at site since the 2011 tsunami, although not without problems. The biggest fears and predictions of doom post the chaos of the tsunami have, on the whole, not happened. Release of radiation is never good, but most scenarios and reports have been blown out of proportion.

    Worrying about radiation in Australia and US as a result of leaks? The majority of posters commenting on this should be more concerned about the greater health risks of sugary fatty diets, lack of exercise and the effect of extended time behind a computer screen.
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