quote: THE media Left is gloating. They’ve won and...

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    THE media Left is gloating. They’ve won and knuckle-dragging conservatives like me and Alan Jones have lost.
    Our man, Tony Abbott, is gone as prime minister. Their man, Malcolm Turnbull, rules.

    “Ha, ha, ha,” they point out.

    Or as the ABC, the taxpayer-funded voice of the Left, put it on Monday, suck it up, Jones and Bolt.
    “Once again, it’s remarkable that Abbott was felled despite their support,” crowed Media Watch host Paul Barry. “And it shows how little power they actually have.”

    He’s right. Alan and I are shocked we couldn’t get every single Australian to back Abbott, when the only thing against us was the $1 billion-a-year ABC, the anti-Abbott smear factory of Fairfax and the rest of the army of media orcs: SBS, Guardian, Daily Mail, The Monthly, The Project, FM hosts, half the News Corp empire and the Canberra bureaus of every TV station.

    Humiliating, I know, but Alan and I proved in the end surprisingly powerless against the others, too — the academics, the race industry, the professional victims, the climate cranks, the multicultural commissars, the free speech police and all the other arbiters of Good Taste.

    So boo hoo hoo, we cry. We helped get Abbott elected, but couldn’t save him.

    But at the ABC it’s party, party.
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