lauraturner I know you must have a thing for me but we need to...

  1. 14,931 Posts.
    lauraturner I know you must have a thing for me but we need to keep this professional. It's only natural that one like yourself would fall for one like me because I have all the traits women find uncontrollably seductive. My charm, wit, enviable good looks, well defined chiselled body,wealth, class, intelligence, and a dash of bad boy in the mix. How could any woman resist?

    Anyway, back to Tony Abbott who is nothing like me.
    Tony is not a batchelor....he is married, although I find it hard to understand how? I guess you meant to say "bachelor"....that refers to university qualification. Yes he has an Economics degree....but what does that really mean given the fact that he has failed financially in life and had to take out a loan in this late stage in his life to put his daughter through uni. Commendable act I admit...but still doesn't change the fact that he can't manage money, let alone dish out any real financial advice to anyone. In that regard, for the record, I win hands down as I am rich and all my children(grown up now) have had the best of everything life has to offer and I didn't need to take out a loan lol. ps for your information, I also hold postgraduate qualifications in international banking and finance....(far more practical than an economics degree)
    As for Tony's law degree....he didn't actually practice and certainly isn't qualified to give legal advice. I on the other hand am also legally qualified and very experienced in company matters and have given advice to a bevy of companies in the past. So I know what I'm talking about.

    Being a Rhodes scholar is no big deal...only means he had connections to do so. Hasn't necessarily got much to do with merit. (Money and connections are the key) I too have attended Oxford among other universities and I can tell you its not the be all to end all, although it is a fun place.
    I am more academically qualified than Abbott as I hold more degrees than he does in addition to postgraduate qualifications, just for the record.

    ps for your information I have never been to Centrelink, however, have paid enough tax in my life to own the place, and then some.

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