Books & Reading, page-4

  1. 29,786 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    watso used to be an avid reader of books (still reads a lot online - but not books).  only recently has watso been clearing out his library - some to the op shop, some to the bin and some to a small library (book exchange) thingy.

    the book exchange thingy is interesting - and there are two close to where watso lives  - just a small cabinet (on a post), with shelves and a door - where people put books and take books ,

    watso can still recall the very first novel that he read as a child - it was called "call of the wild"

    mmm first published in 1903.

    watso's mother was always an avid reader - and long before the advent of public libraries , there was a private library in the suburb where we lived - and a book loan was for a few pennies (fourpence from memory)  a week .

    lol - watso recalls looking at the few books on sale at the newsagents, when trying to find a present for his father ... lol watso had saved up his pocket money, and bought a book that he thought his father might like .. well lol - obviously a book that watso thought that he himself  would like - and expected that father would like it also.. watso cannot recall the name of the book - but does recall a group of children being in a cave type thingy on the coast - and something about smugglers
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