Boosters for life for a vaccine that clearly doesn't work, page-3

  1. 84,418 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    "I'm just keeping things real for you victims"

    oh dahl --------- real to you is on some other planet

    for the rest of us - earth is home

    you keep to yourself -------- or we'll be out checking your passport

    we do that with aliens

    I can't stop and talk luv ----------- I have to get my vaccine riddled little arse on the bike and head out about 20 km to a giant wine tasting - at Chablis - that makes it 40km turn about

    I've never ridden that road - so, I'm only assuming that I'll go the distance and not turn back early -------- it's gotta be a safe road to ride beside --

    you know how our old vaccine ridden bodies can't put up with much stress since the second jab
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