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  1. 2,234 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 43

    Get a life people! Anyone with half a brain knows that this mess is all Gillard's making. Probably handing out how to vote cards in their welcome pack. How many hours did you work this week to pay the tax to cover the ever-increasing costs of this bungled policy? However many it was, it will probably be more hours next week and the next and so on!

    Anyone blaming Abbott has swallowed Gillard's blame-shifting lines hook, line and sinker. Labor are the masters of mind manipulation. Hence the negative Abbott catchphrase which unfortunately has been successful for them. Funny, most Australians think this government is on the nose, but it isn't okay for Abbott to be negative about the way the Gillard mob are running the 'show'? You mean the majority of Australians can be negative, just not Abbott! Do you want the Opposition Leader of a government so on the nose to be praising the government for ruining the Country? Not me thank you very much. Should each and every one of us not take responsibility for our own actions? Of course we should.

    Yep, their hope is that if they say it often enough people, like some of those on this thread, will blame Abbott. Crazy stuff.. It is up to the Government to solve. A 'solution' they cannot get passed with the help of their coalition....the Greens!!!... Is not a solution! Abbott has been consistent on this issue. He has integrity and is a very civic-minded decent human being. He has served the community aside from politics for many many years. He has done a lot for charities. Has a mortgage like most of us. Is a wonderful family man. Doesn't go around calling some of our most successful business people 'loudmouths' which by the way is a poor example for the Prime Minister of this Country to be doing. Especially when bullying is so topical. Unfortunately Gillard is no role model for the children of today. Bullying will only increase with her at the helm as she cannot help herself attacking others in such venomous ways.
    It is sad to see the office of PM brought down to this level.

    I know I am mostly preaching to the converted here; however, the rusted on blind Labor supporters seem to all come out to support each other. Almost seems to be a full- time obsession, or, rather, profession!

    I've had my little 'spac attack' here now. Rant over! Off I go to lose myself on some other thread where the BP can be normalised once more.


    Oh, and by the way...wish I had time to knit!!

    Note: all above my opinion only. The Prime Minister doesn't listen to me so you shouldn't either!!

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