Boring Stuff that most miss, page-6

  1. 41,272 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 48
    The signals are to internal press spin doctors,so they can already prep contingencies to be reviewed when each boss
    contacts them

    The Queen uses her hand bag,to siganl minions to pull here out of things she does not like

    The political speakers define signals before they go on stage,,to stick to what was pre arranged,

    The security service use siganls when at work,

    In fact to any lip reader,,such can gleam more from a silent show,than most jornos manage to get
    from listening.

    Other powers leaders watch with eyes clued to the screens,,as they also have known things to watch
    out for,,so that split second market and positions can be taken before most know what just went down.

    Love Chess, and if only the dogs could play it would be so much more fun than kicking the computers but
    all the time,,it get boring,,,
    But politics is chess,,and chess is politics,,,

    As little as a hundred years ago,,much mail from offshore could take months,
    now with instant 'comms',,

    Siganls play IMHO an even greater part in micro events and economies of scale.

    All the best @Taurisk ,,as you strike one as a "Lady Person" packed with fine tuned grey matter,
    and thank you for your reply.

    Got a major case of the sheets today,,after copping some sheet in a place that was supposed to
    bring some smiles and laughs.the other day.

    Have a pleasant evening all,

    Am going to tap a new barrel of mead,and put up the old both tootsie for the duration of this evening,
    and try to just chillax.


    PS IMHO,Putin runs circles around most,
    He is not your average bear.
    After all he did cut his teeth in the old 'NKVD'
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