Blowy, Compare the price you paid 14 months ago in 2020, and...

  1. 157 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 18

    Compare the price you paid 14 months ago in 2020, and then inflation-adjust it to work out the 'real' price gain.

    Except it won't be a gain, it'll be a loss.

    Your house might be worth more in 2020 in nominal $ terms but not in real terms. This is what the savvier bulls don't want you to know.

    E.g. If a house is $500,000 and the mean wage is $65,000 in 2011 and then in 2020, the same house is worth $600,000 and the mean wage is $100,000, has your house gone up?

    The answer is it's dropped a lot. You could have put your money in something else that tracked inflation. Even bank interest goes close to that.

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