boston is a bit odd for my mind.

  1. 83,724 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    afternoon all,

    might be a bit off form to think like this at this early stage with so much grief, but, I cannot get past these thoughts - bit of a ramble, sorry.

    Several things seem out of wack here.

    They might have killed some people and injured several, but, these bombs were small - big firecrackers with shrapnel really. Not the sort of thing you would expect some foreign power or well armed group to deploy to make a world stage imo. Lets face it - twin towers if more the style of such groups.

    That would bring us to - a small nutter group or an individual head case - or, one other possibility.

    USA security around these events is pretty frightening really -- in New York for events like this I believe authorities do things like weld storm covers in place and have a myriad of security elements - extensive observation not being the least of them.

    So, in Boston, we have at least 2 small bombs near the finish line of a major event - one of the marathons on the world stage I believe.

    So, is it possible for 2 bombs to be in place before the race and to stay in place even long after the first people cross the line - to be detonated by some means, remote or not?

    How would that be possible? One of them was reported to be in a rubbish bin --------------- how could you miss that?

    So, if they weren't missed, then they would have to have been put in place not too long before detonation.

    So, how could someone carry - 2 bombs (more by the looks of it) and place them without being noticed - not only by security, but by bystanders - who, we hope are at least awake to the fact that this is a dangerous society.

    Is it possible that this person or persons didn't have to carry the bombs in, but was/were hiding in buildings and only had to move a short distance and place them? Possible, but, you would think the authorities would have thought of that one if they are going as far as welding storm covers in place.

    Is it possible that this was some sort of distraction? Some group wanted the press space out of the way - didn't want to have a huge price, like hundreds of deaths, but needed some disaster to focus the public eye on?

    imo, none of this adds up much at the moment. Individual nutters would have a hard time executing this - particularly if there are several bombs. Small groups of nutters have similar risks of being caught in the act, but also have a fair chance of their plans being discovered in weeks prior to the event.
    Foreign powers, no matter how mad and well organised extremists want to make a big show - not a few little bombs and kill a few people - they want a big kill.

    That leaves us with distraction. Some individual or group who didn't really have their heart in it, but needed some mayhem - small bombs, smart team, press worthy, but not wiping out hundreds of lives or city blocks.

    And what would they want us distracted from? Well, there are a couple of things on the go atm, but whether or not they are possible I don't know.

    What I do know is that this smells funny.

    have a great arvo

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