FDM 0.00% 1.1¢ freedom oil and gas ltd

Well, i guess there isn't too many people out there that believe...

  1. 40 Posts.
    Well, i guess there isn't too many people out there that believe in charts, and i'm no genius chartist but i do believe they represent strong trends especially when a repeat of something happens.

    It brings a new supply of investors who wait for the trend to do what its done before and in MAD'S case, it has bounced off the 30 cent level 3 times previously in the last 12 months and with sharp rebounds. Albeit, these technical investors that look for these trends bail out once they get their desired profit. They don't care about the fundamentals or long term.

    As we know, charts are not always reliable but when looking at MAD's chart, it really does look timely that this stock has been over sold and that its hit that 30 cent resistance again.

    There will be plenty of technical investors watching this stock closely to see what it does next week as their software programs detect that this stock has hit a bottom that it has previously bounced off.

    There are no guarantees, but with an announcement imminent and a stock that makes timely announcements (Yeager's appointment shortly after it bounced off 30 cents last time and went to 62 cents within a few weeks) I have decided to buy a few more today.

    If it falls through 30 cents, i will put them in the draw and hold them for a rainy day. But to me, as Warren Buffet would say "Buy in gloom and sell in Boom".
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