Intelligent, decent, talented, ambitious, understands and...

  1. 81 Posts.
    Intelligent, decent, talented, ambitious, understands and accepts what has to be done to reverse the disaster created by the previous Rudd/Gillard Labor government , prepared also to make hard decisions to benefit Australia and, not feather his own nest.

    With these qualities one could ask.....Why aren't you the leader of the opposition Mr Bowen ???? Your Country needs somebody like you who accepts that we have a major financial problem which, if not addressed quickly in a bi-partisan manner, will doom our coming generations to paying off a massive debt which grows by the day .
    . Labor/Green Senators continue to play silly buggers. Don't they understand the damage they are causing ? If they do, then do they really care? Do they really understand what it is that they are voting against ? Their ideologies can't possibly be so twisted as to continue voting down ideas which are formulated to assist in reducing debt and; worse still, never have counter proposals to discuss with a view to contributing positively to help solve the problem.

    It's time now to put Australia and it's people ahead of cheap party politics........... It certainly appears that you are the obvious choice to fill that role as Opposition leader....Work with the Government to get things back on track and once this is done, then the people will decide at the ballot box who they want and the winner will not be inheriting a poison chalice next time around. Australia will thank you for it.

    Chris Bowen is the man for the moment !!!!!
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