So according to you most of the spending was by Aussies spending...

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    So according to you most of the spending was by Aussies spending money at the Casino and at Harvey Norman.

    I think you are insulting the majority of Australians who don’t frequent Casino’s and you also insult families and individuals who budget and spend their money on a broad range of things including the essentials of life. But go ahead insult Australians as just gamblers who all blow their money in a non productive way. You probably therefore don’t believe in pay rises for workers because according to you everyone heads to the Casino or spends it on electronic goods just for entertainment.

    The money in any event circulated throughout the economy probably in the quickest way possible and accordingly our economy must have benefited from that stimulus just as does when piddly tax cuts or wage increases are given or when John Howard handed out $500 lump sums in certain situations. Even the GST on goods and services purchased impacts our economy.
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