Reaper, "I prefer foolish people to people who inflict suffering...

  1. 317 Posts.

    "I prefer foolish people to people who inflict suffering through severe and unnecessary punishment."

    Who says this is severe and unneccesary punishment. YOU do. And who are you? Someone who was born and raised in a place where these laws don't exist. So really you have no idea what consitiutes a severe and unnecessary punishment, you are simply making a judgement based on your own westernised watered down experiences of law and order.
    So really you are no one to pass judgement on the laws of another country.

    It's only your biased, and possibly uninformed,opinion that how Indonesia treats drug related crimes is severe and unneccessary. For every one of you, there is someoen in the other side of the fence. And saying aussies are bigger and can somehow defend themselves against other prisoners is ridiculous. You think prison attacks are ever a fair fight. Just because you are bigger bears no indication of your fighting skills or ability to defend yourself. I'd like to see you fight a "little guy" like BJ Penn or George St Pierre and watch you try to defend yourself. You think you'd beat Manny Pacquiao? That's just a ludicrous notion and statement.

    Preferring stupid people? what, to normal people who want to carry out the law as it's written? Really.

    And they make voting compulsory in Australia. go figure.


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