URANIUM 1.02% $24.70 uranium futures

Just been through the recently published BP Energy Outlook. They...

  1. 58 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Just been through the recently published BP Energy Outlook. They have revised down their estimate of nuclear output (post Fukishima) which initially disappointed me, until I looked at the stats...summary below from www.bp.com if you want more.

    Global percentage change 2010 to 2030 in Production - [data originally in million tonnes oil equivalent - mtoe]


    OIL...................15% to 4,512
    GAS.................50% to 4,328
    COAL...............12% to 4,164
    NUCLEAR.........61% to 1,006
    HYDRO.............47% to 1,137
    BIOFUELS........217% to 118
    RENEWABLE...442% to 860

    TOTAL.............33% to 16,196

    Bottom line is that there is still an expectation by the BP boffins that nuclear will grow very fast, especially compared to coal which is essentially the major competitor for large scale base-load power generation. Mined output of uranium is not currently sufficient for current (2010) needs so the U price will have to rise to give incentives to the explorers and the majors to go into production. IMO it's not really a question of 'if' the U price rises but much more one of 'when' it does. Recent JP Morgan study indicates the incentive price is at least $80/lb. That is roughly 60% above current pricing.
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