We are being brain washed on all the TV channels, with anti...

  1. 3,655 Posts.
    We are being brain washed on all the TV channels, with anti racist propaganda,all paid for with taxpayers money.

    Australia is the most non-racist/friendly/peace loving nation on this planet, and every other country in the world acknowledges this fact.

    We have people who have lied/ bullied/illegally barged their way into Australia, ahead of everyone who have waited their turn to immigrate here, they have, none the less been overgenerously(free houses, welfare) looked after by both governments,and the people.

    Australians must watch and pay for their own demise in silence, because it's politically incorrect not to ,or to say something is deemed racist, by people who are themselves very racist.

    It is time we saw propaganda explaining there should not be --illegal entry into Australia/drive-by shootings/murders rapes/extortion/protests wanting Sharia law/no democracy/extorting Halal taxes on us/respect islam or be beheaded,blocking off city street to pray/special dispensations/everything offends them/ we want- we want- we want!!

    And yet this new popaganda is aimed at us to behave and not be racist,------ mixing up biology from ideology. ---It's insulting--there is not any country in this world that these people will live in peace or want to!

    It's not our problem that they dispise our way of life- they should go back to where you are happy fighting/killing everyone!!!
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