We've done the 7,000,000 over and over again...there's plenty of...

  1. 17,372 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 112
    We've done the 7,000,000 over and over again...there's plenty of data to prove my point - go find it in out threads

    And as for your claim of the most drug seizures - more bullsit

    And as for t=yourFAVORITE notion tat the drugs come thru the PoE and hence the DEA is getting al the drugs...again more bullshit

    Keep in mind theres bene >100,000 deaths in US - unacceptable surely uttely unacceotable and thom opiods and fnranyl

    Now red belwo and see to suggest the open border dead set open border isnt the reasoin te druns ar ein and the folks are dead is evil and unconscinable

    The left in a nutshell

    And finally....when you spruik that thes been more migrats detained...heres a little mental exrcise ....so take it slowly and stop if you smell anythig burning

    If in Year 1, you detain 1 or 2 out of every 10 illegal criminal migrants...then if you have a million cross the border and that ratio holds...your total detained folks is calculated to be (1,000,000) (.2) = 200,000

    Now if in Year 2 the influx doubles and two million cross...and the detained ratio again holds...youll have 2x detained or 400,000 detained

    So...youre always going to be correct to say the # of detained criminals has increased,,,,but clearly youre ALSO increasing the vast # of the large increase volume gettin in.

    So Y1, ration 2:10 and if 1,000,000 cross then 1,000,000 (.2) = 200,000. Meaning 800,000 got thru

    But if in Y2, same ratio 2:20 holds but this time 2,000,000 illegally cross then (2,000,000) (.2) =,400,000. That means 1,600,000 got thru

    Simple logic I know but seemingly beyond you

    And on top of that the ratio is UNLIKELY to hold as they fully accept the flood is causing a huge inpact on the Border agents ablity to partol and detect and this unforntuanly has led to ever far greater successfull illegal crossing,

    Now have a read of port vs nonports.

    Senate Republican Conference1
    1. Under Joe Biden, America is facing the worst border crisis in our history.
    2. President Biden has undermined America’s border security and the integrity of our immigration
    system at every turn.
    3. Biden’s border policies are creating a growing national security crisis, and threatening the safety of
    Americans across the country.
    A. America is facing a historic crisis at its southern border under President Biden.
    Under Biden’s immigration policies, illegal border crossings have soared to all-time highs.
    • In Fiscal Year 2021 alone, U.S. Customs and Border Protection experienced 1.7 million encounters
    with aliens at the southern border, the highest number ever recorded in a single year.
    • That number does not include people who evaded border patrol officers.
    o According to the internal Border Patrol estimates from January through August of 2021, more
    than 273,000 migrants avoided apprehension and entered our country illegally.
    o These are new records.
    Fiscal Year 2022 is already sharply outpacing 2021’s record-breaking numbers.
    • U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz anticipates in the next few days, the U.S. will hit one million
    encounters with migrants attempting to illegally cross our Southern border since October 1.
    • That’s one million encounters in the last six months, outpacing last year’s record-breaking numbers.
    • Last month, CBP encountered nearly 165,000 illegal immigrants at the border.
    o That was the highest total for February in the Department of Homeland Security’s history.
    • For the last 12 months in a row, there have been over 150,000 encounters at the Southern border;
    eight of which broke records.
    B. With Title 42 ending, Biden officials warn: a border surge is coming.
    Biden’s own officials are warning the crisis at the Southern Border will get worse as Title 42 expires.
    • DHS Office of Intelligence anticipates as many as 1 million immigrants could cross the Southern
    Border in 6 weeks if the Biden administration rescinds Title 42 in April.
    o Department of Homeland Security intelligence estimates 25,000 migrants are already in
    Mexican shelters just south of the border, waiting for Title 42 to end.
    o The number of people attempting to enter the U.S. illegally from Mexico is already rising, as
    migrants and cartels that smuggle people into the U.S. anticipate the coming change in policy.
    o "Intel stats [show that] there are tens of thousands just waiting in Mexico for it to end. [Border
    Patrol] capacity will be reached in a few days and we will be forced to release subjects on the
    street," a senior Border Patrol official wrote. "This will cause even more to flood across the border.
    We will see something we have never seen before. The border will be open for narcotics to cross
    since everyone will be processing."
    • Even Democrat Senators Mark Kelly and Kyrsten Sinema are telling President Biden not to end Title
    42, writing: “we urge you to continue providing additional border management and security resources
    to Arizona so that our border communities do not have to bear any unnecessary burdens from Title
    42 changes.”
    Senate Republican Conference
    A. Biden created this border crisis.
    In Biden’s first 100 days in office, he took more than 94 executive actions on immigration. Those
    actions included:
    1. Stopping the construction of the border wall.
    2. Attempting to halt deportations for 100 days.
    3. Suspending new enrollments in Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP, aka “Remain in Mexico”).
    4. Terminating Asylum Cooperative Agreements (ACAs) with Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.
    5. Ending Prompt Asylum Case Review (PACR) for non-Mexicans, and Humanitarian Asylum Review
    Program (HARP), for Mexicans.
    Now he’s going even further.
    B. Right now, the Biden administration is actively eliminating almost every tool America has
    to secure our Southern border in the face of the worst border crisis in U.S. history.
    1. Biden’s new FY2023 budget proposes cutting border security funding.
    2. He’s ending Title 42.
    3. He’s fighting to end “Remain in Mexico” at the Supreme Court.
    4. He’s giving USCIS officials the authority to grant asylum to migrants who cross the border without an
    immigration court/judge reviewing that claim.
    a. This will likely lead to an increase in granting asylum to individuals with frivolous claims.
    b. Migrants who have their claim denied will still be allowed to appeal that decision to an
    immigration court and remain in the U.S. while the appeal is pending.
    5. He’s undermining immigration enforcement (ICE) in America with a flurry of bad policies, including:
    a. Rolling back the scope of DHS’s expedited removal authority.
    b. Limiting ICE’s immigration enforcement activities.
    i. In early March, the Biden administration released FY2021 ICE enforcement data after
    months of delaying the annual, public-facing report.
    ii. The report revealed the lowest number of removals and arrests in the history of ICE, while
    still omitting standard data that is generally included this annual report.
    iii. One ICE officer called the arrest and removal numbers “an acknowledgment that ICE
    officials are being paid not to do their job.”
    iv. Under Biden, ICE:
    1. Arrested 48% fewer convicted criminals
    2. Deported 63% fewer criminals; and
    3. Issued 46% fewer ‘detainer requests to other’ law enforcement agencies” in FY
    2021 compared to FY 2020.
    4. On deportations, ERO recorded “just 39,149 convicts removed in 2021 — down
    62% compared to 2020, when 103,762 convicts were ousted, and far below the
    pre-COVID rate of 2019, when 150,141 convicts were removed.”
    v. It’s little surprise the Biden administration was slow to release the FY2021 ICE ERO report.
    1. Deportations have dropped by 70 percent since the pandemic.
    2. ICE agents are averaging fewer than one arrest per month.
    These policy changes will be detrimental to America’s border security. (See below)
    Senate Republican Conference
    A. This administration’s open border policies are fueling criminal activity and abuses by
    cartels facilitating illegal border crossings.
    According to a 2020 report from Doctors Without Borders: Over 57% of interviewed migrants and
    asylum seekers (attempting to cross the Southern border illegally) experienced some type of violence,
    including cases of assault, extortion, torture, and sexual assault.
    • These crimes are devastating and directly result from the administration’s signal to the world that
    our nation’s borders are open.
    B. Ending Title 42 knowing it will lead to a surge of illegal immigration that overwhelms
    America’s border enforcement.
    Border surges swamp CBP’s ability to process, transport, and care for those aliens, let alone perform
    its other duties like stopping drugs and terrorists at the border.
    • In February, 634 pounds of deadly fentanyl and 12,500 pounds of methamphetamine were seized at
    the border. This is enough to kill every man, woman, and child in this country.
    • Since October, the El Paso sector has encountered more than 240 illegal immigrants with criminal
    and gang affiliations.
    C. Changing America’s standards for granting asylum to those illegally entering the U.S.
    undermines America’s immigration laws and standards.
    Right now, Biden is creating a program that will result in a rubber stamp for often frivolous asylum
    claims made by illegal immigrants at the border.
    • This will make it possible for many illegal immigrants who enter the U.S. illegally with questionable
    asylym claims to gain a green card within a year of illegally entering the U.S., without any court date
    or hearing before an immigration judge.
    • Under this program, USCIS officials will have the authority to grant asylum status (and thus an
    eventual path to citizenship) to migrants who illegally cross the border and assert a claim for asylum.
    D. Limiting immigration enforcement in America undermines public safety.
    The Biden administration has intentionally limited immigration enforcement in America, leading to
    record-low immigration enforcement in the last year.
    o ICE arrests of illegal aliens in 2021 for crimes including homicide-related offenses, sexual
    assaults, robberies, and kidnappings were all down significantly from the previous two years.
    o Another alarming revelation in the report is "34 [deported criminals] were designated as known
    or suspected terrorists."
    • Ending Border enforcement programs puts unaccompanied children at risk; the Biden
    administration has lost nearly 20,000 of these kids.
    o Customs and Border Patrol is on track to apprehend more than 150,000 kids in FY 2022.
    o These children have been released into the United States with limited oversight.
    o HHS recently revealed that it has been unable to get in touch with nearly 20,000 sponsors to
    whom it had released UACs.
    o When the Trump administration had the same issue (on less than a tenth of scale) in 2018, USA
    Today trumpeted the headline: “The feds lost — yes, lost — 1,475 migrant children.” Biden has
    lost more than 10 times that number of children—with no media outrage.
    Senate Republican Conference
    E. Ending the “Remain in Mexico” program empowers cartels to continue drug trafficking and
    human smuggling.
    On April 26th, the Biden administration will argue before the Supreme Court to end America’s “Remain
    in Mexico” (Migrant Protection Protocol program).
    • This is a Trump-era program requiring those who illegally cross America’s southern border and
    claiming asylum to wait in Mexico for decisions in their U.S. immigration cases.
    • Testifying before Congress on the importance of Remain in Mexico, a DHS official told lawmakers:
    o “Policies like MPP and Title 42 kept the situation at the border under control.”
    o “Biden administration’s reversal of these policies chipped away at the progress made securing
    the border under the previous administration to make a political statement while putting public
    safety at risk.”
    • The Biden administration has already attempted to end the “Remain in Mexico” once and is only
    implementing a scaled-down version of the program now because it is under a court order to do so.
    • It is this order that the administration is in the process of appealing.
    Ending this program puts migrant families at risk of being exploited by cartels.
    • Cartels earn up to $6 billion a year from smuggling migrants into the U.S., according to John Condon,
    a senior DHS official, who appeared before the House Homeland Security Committee’s oversight
    • Testifying before Congress a DHS official from Arizona told lawmakers:
    o “Transnational criminal organizations routinely treat vulnerable humans as transactional and
    reusable goods. Therefore, having a patchworked and mismanaged approach to border security
    policy, including MPP, is not only insufficient but irresponsible.
    o “The temporary repeal of MPP and similar policies have put vulnerable children in danger.
    o “One family spent six hours in a storm on a small boat, with kids getting horribly sick. The family
    was kidnapped by a drug cartel and forced to pay a ransom to live during the journey.”
    F. Weak enforcement of America’s Southern border will further the drug overdose and
    fentanyl crisis in the U.S.
    Drug overdose deaths, fueled by fentanyl, hit a record high in the U.S. last year.
    • Over 104,000 Americans died from drug overdoses over a the 12-month period ending in September
    2021, the highest ever recorded, according to CDC data.
    • This is the sharpest annual increase in overdose deaths in at least three decades; driven by the
    proliferation of fentanyl.
    • Overdoses from fentanyl have become the leading cause of death for Americans ages 18 to 45.
    Fentanyl is often made by cartels in Mexico with chemicals from China, according to the DEA.
    • In FY2021 CBP seized over 10,500 pounds (a record amount) of fentanyl coming through the U.S.
    Southern border. A lethal dose of fentanyl is 2mg.
    • “The federal government estimates that one kilogram of fentanyl is equivalent to
    500,000 lethal doses, making last year's seizure equal to 2.5 billion fatal doses.”
    In January 2021, CBP reported a "substantial increase" in fentanyl seizures at the southern border
    with 839 lbs seized compared to 682 lbs in FY 2021.
    • So far, CBP has seized over 3,900 pounds of fentanyl at the Southern border in FY22, nearly
    matching pace with the amounts seized in FY2021.
    Fentanyl is so dangerous that now, a bipartisan group of former senior national security officials is
    urging Biden to declare fentanyl and its chemical analogues “weapons of mass destruction.”
    • Cartels are bringing these drugs across our border every day.
    • They don’t stay on the border. Every state in the Union has experienced deaths from these drugs.
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