breaking into europe

  1. 3,413 Posts.
    Last night I watched a very moving doco on SBS titled "Breaking into Europe". If you missed it the documentary was based on two men (actors) both following the routes of the hundreds if not thousands of men and woman attempting to move from their homeland to the UK.

    One man set out from Nigeria whilst the other set out from Kabul in Afghanistan. The stories of the people along the way were very, very moving. From the Afghan family sleeping in the streets of Athens where the mother and father would take it in turns staying awake throughout the the night to watch over the young children to the young Cameroon mother who was raped by men along the way as payment for their assistance. What I found most moving was when this same woman described how her four year old daughter was almost raped by the same disgusting cretens who had raped her.

    For me this doco demonstrated just how desperate these people are to move to a better country and start a better life for them and their children. When you witness what they endure along the way it showed me at least that we need to be more understanding in this wonderful country we call Australia.

    Today I read that the MD of the IMF - Christine Lagarde, is warning of a "lost decade" if the threats to global economic growth aren't addressed.

    My response;

    SO WHAT!!!! This is precisely what the world needs after the corporate greed has effectively driven the economies of the industrialised nations in dead end street.

    The inequality that exists in our world is disgusting, in my humble opinion western economies deserve what's coming for not doing more for the poorer of the world.

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