So your solution would be to expand communist rule globally,...

  1. 74 Posts.
    So your solution would be to expand communist rule globally, facilitating genocide on a scale never been seen before, although nobody will see it because Russia and China will do like they currently do and deny everything even if it is recorded. We'll then have a world under the worst kind of repression and censorship without even a sniff of being able to change it because all mechanisms TO change will have been outlawed and replaced with an illusion of democracy like they have in Russia at the moment. You know, the one where they have elections where the communist party always wins.
    I'm no American fan-boy by the way. I believe Bush II not Obama or the Clintons has exacerbated the problems in the middle-east with that stupid invasion of Iraq. But as has just been proven in America that if they really need to they can (and will) reject the status quo and vote someone else in. Even if the person they vote in is a bit of a nutter. Change nontheless. Do you think that would be allowed in Russia or China or North Korea without lots of people being killed? NO any opposition would be suspiciously shot on a bridge somewhere in Moscow (hmmm sounds familiar..).
    By the way, it was Serbia that began the balkans conflict wasn't it? No of course not it was the Americans wasn't it yeah. I remember, I saw it on RT. I'm guessing the Srebrenica massacre was probably a CIA operation too? or maybe a few thousand men and boys dug a hole for themselves, leapt into it then covered themselves over for a giggle? NATO stepped into the balkans conflict because innocent people were being massacred by the thousand on both sides. It was a bloody mess.
    All religion, never mind islam needs to disappear from humanity. The sooner the better too because like you I'm sick and tired. I'm sick and tired of people dying over fairy stories.
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