The table showing minute ventilation rates is misleading in that...

  1. 11,213 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    The table showing minute ventilation rates is misleading in that the changes in ventilation for those diseases is simply the bodies automatic response to the effect of the disease on the oxygenation of the blood.

    For example, a person with cystic fibrosis cannot be made to breathe more shallowly and less frequently or they would not get sufficient oxygen to the brain in order to remain conscious. The oxygenation is reduced due to all the excess mucus in their lungs. Furthermore, it is a congenital disease ie their natural rate of breathing is not the causative factor.

    Much the same goes for the other chronic illnesses. A person who has a damaged heart has a reduced power in ejecting blood from the heart and therefore will automatically breathe more rapidly than a healthy person to maintain the required oxygen and acid/alkaline balance of the blood.

    Even the inclusion of bipolar becomes clear when you take a peak at the research - they were only looking at subjects with bipolar and associated panic co-morbidity. If you've ever gone into a panic mode you elicit the flight/fight response and therefore release adrenaline into the bloodstream which in turn increases the rate at which the heart pumps and breathing will automatically increase in response to the previously mentioned changes.

    Asthma may however be somewhat different in that there is an inflammatory component, and this maybe why the Buteyko method helps.
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