breathtaking hypocrisy

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Minister Chris Bowen - this morning - in Government -
    just gave the most sickening and hypocritical Press Conference - creepy,and obviously put up to it by others - and, of course, guess what - he rambles through an excruiating justification to cover his and Gillard's ugly stubborness - the recent drowned are dead BECAUSE of Abbott was ther gist.

    How vile - to put this evil slur and lie onto an innocent man, NOT in Government, and worse, for him to deal with, at Christmas.

    I've been angry - but never as much as today!

    Reminder - Bowen - Nauru was open and working well in sifting out genuine refugees when Howard was voted out.
    Then you state recently that you would be in favor of Nauru - as if it were suddenly YOUR idea.

    RUDD scrapped Nauru. THEY will not budge and lose face.

    How cowardly of Gillard to hide behind Bowen!

    And now Bowen talks of Malaysia and Papua.

    Now they play with lives - and blame Abbott for a happening which sheets right back to Rudd snd his ego and arrogance.

    And now have the effrontery to stat that THEY have the solution - it's Nauru!! Yet in the next breath it;s back to Malaysia.

    Bowen should hang his head in shame. Better still, he should resign from politics altogether - and go out and make a living in the private sector.

    At least he could look in the mirror at himself confidently each day. And have a clear consiceince, And be his own man!

    Some accuse me of being "too angry". Then we hear this low, below the belt garbage - and I, and others who DO have both eyes open, am supposed to nod my head and say nothing?

    IT is an outrage that blame is shifted onto Abbott. THEY has Nauru - Bowen, NOT you! And it worked well. Your party dismantled it - how much does it take for you to get the message. YOU are the Government - HE is not!!

    Pretedning now, when it suits, that Nau7ru is YOUR idea is despicable. Swallow your pride,and egos, and admit you were all wrong!

    I have said this before - poolitics has never ever, in our history, been more volatile, chaotic, and dangerous as they are presently. If we thinkers don't get angry - then we are headed for very troubled waters.
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