The 2 major reasons for the Brexit referendum were: -UK being...

  1. 22,258 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    The 2 major reasons for the Brexit referendum were:
    -UK being unable to control its borders due to EU free movement of people provisions under the guise of a Free Labour Market.
    -UK Conservative Policies being stymied by Left Wing EU Legislation & Regulations.

    In a weird way, this united the far Right & the Labour Party working class which enabled the Brixit Referendum to get over
    the line , albeit only 53%/48%. Keep in mind that both Labour & Conservatives were on the Stay side. Many in Ireland say
    that the info available to the UK electorate was inadequate and if another Referendum should be held next year when most of
    the probable downside of Brexit is known that the outcome could be reversed as what happened in Ireland with an EU referendum some time ago.

    That said, there is considerable angst right across all Parties and Classes that growing Islam in England, particularly cities
    such as Birmingham & Manchester, poses a long term security threat to the country and that continued membership of
    the EU ties the UK Government's hands in providing an enduring remedy by restricting further Muslim immigration
    and the curtailment of religious freedoms

    Keep in mind that the current waves of M/E migrants settling on the European mainland(particularly Germany) can, after 3 years, migrate to the UK havens of Birmingham & Manchester with impunity because the enclaves are already well established there and the EU common labour market permits it.

    I guess the UK will want to get out of the EU as cheaply as possible (if Brexit happens at all) and the EU will want to
    cruel the UK economically so that it serves as an example to other members who have exit notions. For the tenure of this government at least, the DUP will call the shots on NI & the NI/South border arrangements simply because the DUP has the balance of power in Westminister and the Irish in the South may very well be collateral damage because once Exited, the UK will have no EU obligation to honour EU/UK Good Friday agreements including Cross Border services' sharing.

    I just wonder what it would take for NI Sinn Fein Westminister MPs to swear the oath to QE2, take their seats
    and have a direct say in Brexit?
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