Brilliant Cartoon - He's only got one tune, page-38

  1. 3,276 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 23
    I have relatives in the UK, Germany, Sweden and USA - so I feel qualified to comment on your post. I have also worked with Muslims and Hindu (from Pakistan and India), Christians (Goa, India) - crews on ships, together with a hotchpotch of different Asians and Europeans.

    It is strange how many right wing racists in HC have gone to ground after it was demonstrated that the riots in the UK were flared up by extreme right wing thugs - based on a social media LIE. We now know that the accused was born in the UK of parents that came from a largely Christian African country.

    Oh dear

    Did we get much coverage in the media of protesters, PEACEFULLY protesting against the right wing thugs, and carrying placards of support for refugees ? What about the huge groundswell of support in communities affected by the riots, where locals have quickly gathered to repair damage?

    How about the enormous support for the Police in the UK, with Police charities raising hundreds of thousands of pounds through the sale of merchandise ? The UK public are now taking great delight in the naming and shaming of the thugs involved as they are brought before the courts.

    The media here is very quiet on that.

    What happened to our pink lady who accused the Bondi attacker of being an immigrant terrorist - bit quiet lately.

    Just this week our Enigmatic friend (also gone quiet) accused the attacker of the little girl in Leicester Square of being from the Middle East. ........ Guess what - the attacker was from Romania and the little girl was saved by a Security Guard, from Pakistan, called Abdullah.

    The stereotyping by the ignorant never ceases to amaze me. Dutton just fans the flames, and once again stirs up the RWNJ's - I wish you could see though it, for what it is.

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