"So long as Julia doesnt appoint her horse to the Senate, I have...

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    "So long as Julia doesnt appoint her horse to the Senate, I have complete confidence in her mental state."

    Someone who has fallen hook line and sinker for the global warming scam simply does not have the judgement and mental competence to comment on union stooge gillard's mental state.

    gillard is certainly showing signs of instability an possibly an impending mental breakdown of some sort...

    Could be the the internal contradictions of the untenable and nonsensical carbon-tax-open-borders-nbn-white-elephant positions gillard has put herself in are finally sinking in...

    Could be that gillard has some small remaining loyalty to Australia that overrides the orders of her union boss controllers to destroy Australia's economic and social fabric to enrich and empower themselves...

    Could be that gillard is having second throughts about blowing her chance as frist woman PM to enrich and enpower the faceless union bosses and their socialist/greenie comrades in an unprecedented power-grab...

    Could be that gillard has finally realized that she will forever be remembered as the worst of all appointed stooge PM's possibly in history, and not just Australian history...

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