yes, you read correct. NATIONALIZE all (jewish) assests, bring...

  1. 1,322 Posts.
    yes, you read correct. NATIONALIZE all (jewish) assests, bring back world socialsim, but this time under the control of the gentiles whom will ensure even dispersal of the benefits of assetts.
    The Russian Revolution resulted from the machinations of the yankee jews (known to be principaly financed by old man Rockefeller) to create a system to become the antithesis of capitalism. Why? so that an enemy was created, thus ensuring the continued growth of the arms industry. This of course led to rapid research and development, not only in the armaments industry but all sectors of commerce. The arms industry (more correctly, the Ruskie Revolution) was just the catalyst for all to follow. Economic growth led to more enterprise resulting in..........continue reading.....
    BUT, you say, the jews don't own everything. Others prospered as well.
    Yes, yes they have, but realize this, the control of all sectors of a democratic government and a democratic "free market" (the greatest oxymoron ever) reside with the people with the most economic influence.
    and unless the likes of you or me on a worldly scale choose to starve, or revolt, then I reckon the most economic influence resides in the hands of the International Bankers. I wonder ? would they happen to be predominantly jews. hmmm .

    OK, back to economic growth. So you see, economic growth leads to entrepeneurial endeavours requiring capital, lent by bankers (based on a spurious neverending paper trail) and of course when we owe money, we are usually at the mercy of our lenders.

    It's about money, that's obvious, but money is only a means to an end.

    It's about CONTROL, and maintaining it.

    WEALTH RE-DISTRIBUTION, or in other words, recessions, market corrections and depressions, are all about CONTROL

    OK, now think about this Iraq conflict about terrorism or about control (oil), or is this conflict over weapons of mass destruction really nothing but terrorism for the sake of CONTROL.

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