Bring in China as a partner, page-87

  1. 83,172 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    I understand the 'buts' ------------------------ but, I can't argue with the results

    waving the red rag to the wackadoodle and peanut bulls - brings em out in all their glory -

    technicolour spectacular levels of stupidity and hate on full display ------

    results ------ they're gone politically. The young and the thoughtful have turned against them - because they see them

    I don't like my stalkers and wackadoodle responses to be modded ------------ it's fantastic, there they are for the world to see

    in that case - I luv free speech. (that one comes with conditions)

    read this - carefully please

    ''The report, Generation Left, details how Millennials and Gen Z have "deserted" the conservative side of politics.
    "It used to be that the people who leaned left in their 20s would swing around for the right in their 50s and that's been true for Boomers and Gen X. It's to some extent also true of Millennials," report author and director of the centre's Intergenerational Program Matttew Taylor said.
    But Gen Z are not on the same trajectory. Coalition support among Gen Z's has actually fallen as the generation ages, Taylor explained

    they see now
    social media and it's like are having profound and various effects ------------ yes, it's letting hate speech run, yes it's letting these nutter spin yarns

    BUT - it's also a tool to draw wackadoodism and peanutism out --------- to get their actual views --------- keep prodding and they get so tizzed up that they drop the meme button and hit out

    and when they do ---------- you see what they've got and what they are

    the results are in and lookin good.

    America is still a big work in progress. They are a particular kind of stupid, requiring more work.
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