RNE renu energy limited

brisbane agm, page-13

  1. 286 Posts.
    Just to comment further, the multiple stimulation of fractures, will either be on the new well or on the last well, so a time line of 6 months is about right.

    But the multiple fracture drilling requires a new hole to then be drilled through these fractures, add many more months for that, and as you say because of the pressures involved this is going to be opening up new ground, technology wise. And this is not easy. They will probably do it, but it is pioneering stuff.

    Then they have to be able to utilise these multiple fractures by ensuring the water will distribute itself more or less evenly though them. Say for example there are 3 fractures A B C, if B is taking say 50% of the flow and A and C deemed not to be taking enough, they may go back and re-stimulate A and C to even things up a bit, possible but still pioneering stuff.

    I've kept a small position, and watch with great interest, and when things are shaping up I'll buy back in again.
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