britain faces major welfare shake-up , page-12

  1. 4,223 Posts.
    same old same old

    "i know someone who ..."
    "if there were no private schools ..."

    this sort of rubbish has been trotted out for at least the last 50 years

    The government has an obligation to provide education. It does this through the government eduction system. Everybody is entitled to attend a government school

    If someone wisheds to do something else, they are legally entitled to, as long as this alternative is a recognised education institution - but this should be at their own expense. Funding non-government schools is an abomination. In many cases it is subsidising religious indocttrination (religion, after all, is a load of fictitious, superstitious gobbledegook).

    If there was a greater demand for government schools, then the government would build more

    It is an obscenity tthe huge amounts of ostentatious welath these top private schools flaunt - and they demand more and more and cretins like Howard can 't give it to them fast enough

    they should receive zero government money.

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