Yet another sarcastic unhelpful message.May I ask, what are you...

  1. 12,211 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 688
    Yet another sarcastic unhelpful message.
    May I ask, what are you hoping to achieve by posting this?

    I am not proud, or afraid of losing face.
    During my life I have probably had very different experiences to you of course.
    What we experience, particularly when traumatic, tends to stay with us.

    I said some time ago that I was deeply upset by the Sunday afternoon films about the holocaust.
    I also had many Jewish friends, who I got on with when I was younger.

    Now I will admit, that I have not had the time to dig deeply into the whole WEF saga.
    I have been told many times to dyor. Fair enough when you are discussing a company on the ASX, but rather different here.
    I was rather shocked to read a list of all the Jewish people involved.
    My life is time poor, I have two disabled grandchildren.
    I did not have the opportunity to go to uni for 3-4 years and sit around debating many things.

    So, I am at a disadvantage. I must apologise to the higher powers here, who mock my lack of knowledge.
    I am far from thick or stupid, but I have had so many other important things which filled my time.

    But, I do enjoy researching and I will in time.

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