British People Grasp The Magnitude Of The Problems Their Governments Have Caused, page-633

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    1933-45: GERMANY. The Reichstag, the German parliament, is set ablaze, conveniently for Adolf Hitler and the backers of the Hitler Project. Hitler immediately blames the usual bogeyman of the era, the "communists", but the true culprits are never identified. For Hitler, armed and financed by the Duponts, the Bushes, the Harrimans, the Rockefellers, Ford, Standard Oil, IT&T and all the rest, the Reichstag fire is the proverbial "Pearl Harbor-9/11 event" which creates a climate of fear and uncertainty among the German people and serves as a pretext for having political opponents and their supporters arrested without charge or trial. It also serves as the perfect moment for the Nazis to pass the "Enabling Law", a sort of NAZI-Patriot Act, which gives the Hitler regime the power to do pretty well whatever it wants.

    The American and German corporations behind Hitler see their investment in the Nazis pay off immediately when Hitler dissolves German labor unions and establishes concentration camps for labor leaders and socialists, rendering Germany's workers utterly powerless.

    Most corporations operating in Germany, including the many American-owned ones, are quick to take advantage of the situation and dramatically reduce their labor costs. In the first five years of Hitler's reign, Ford cuts its labor costs from fifteen per cent of business volume to only eleven per cent. Coca-Cola's bottling plant in Essen dramatically increases its profits because, in Hitler's state, workers are "little more than serfs forbidden not only to strike, but to change jobs," driven "to work harder (and) faster" while their wages "were deliberately set quite low."

    As real wages decline, General Motors, Ford and the rest begin receiving massive armaments orders from the Nazis as the program of German rearmament is rushed to completion. Under the Third Reich, corporate profits skyrocket with U.S. corporate leaders, including William Knudsen, chairman of General Motors and Sosthenes Behn of IT&T openly expressing their admiration of der Führer.

    After World War II, anti-fascist resistance member Otto Jenssen writes that corporate leaders were happy "that fear of the concentration camp made the German workers as meek as lapdogs."

    1933-39: UNITED STATES. The Warburg family, one of the world's wealthiest and most influential Jewish families and owners of one of the world's largest banking empires, was intimately involved in the drafting of the Treaty of Versailles which bankrupted the German republic and set the country up for takeover by the Nazis. The Warburgs are a major force in restoring German arms makers such as Krupp to economic viability while cooperating with the American promoters of Adolf Hitler, particularly the Rockefeller, Harriman and Bush families and the Dulles brothers. Warburg represents the Harriman/Bush interest in the Hamburg-Amerika Line in Germany and exercises the Harriman/Bush voting rights at stockholders' meetings.The Warburgs are also heavily involved in assembling the massive chemical cartel, IG Farben another major promoter of Adolf Hitler and the manufacturer of Zyklon-B gas which will used to exterminate millions of Jews and other "subhumans". Members of the Warburg family sit on the Farben board of directors.

    The Warburgs apply pressure to Jewish organizations in the U.S. to refrain from criticizing Hitler and the Nazis. Max Warburg's son, Erich, sends a cable to his cousin, Frederick M. Warburg, a director of the Harriman railroad system. He asks Frederick to "use all your influence" to stop all anti-Nazi activity in America, including "atrocity news and unfriendly propaganda". Two days later, the American-Jewish Commmittee, controlled by the Warburgs, and the B'nai B'rith, heavily influenced by the Sulzberger family, owners of the New York Times and another powerful and wealthy Jewish family, issues an official joint statement, urging "that no American boycott against Germany be encouraged" and advising "that no further mass meetings be held or similar forms of agitation be employed." The two organizations maintain their "Let's not be beastly to Hitler" stance throughout the 1930s, tragically hampering the fight mounted by many Jews and anti-fascists against the rise of Nazism.

    1933-39: GERMANY. By amazing coincidence, John Foster Dulles, who had been instrumental in drafting the post-World War One Treaty of Versailles which bankrupted the German republic, becomes the key figure in "restructuring the debt" imposed on Germany by the Treaty, a major factor in the rise of Adolf Hitler. Dulles arranges the restructuring under a series of decrees issued by Hitler himself. Dulles ensures that American financiers will still get the interest owned to them by Germany while ensuring that the Nazis will have sufficient cash to fully arm themselves for their conquest of Europe and the Soviet Union.

    1934: GERMANY. The American Curtiss-Wright aircraft company reveals U.S. dive bombing techniques to the Luftwaffe. Dive bombing had been invented by the U.S. Navy but kept a closely guarded secret. U.S. aircraft manufacturers had been prohibited from revealing the technique but Curtiss-Wright, with an eye to selling the Nazis their dive bombers, circumvents the prohibition by demonstrating the technique at air shows. A U.S. Senate investigation will later conclude that, "It is apparent that American aviation companies did their part to assist Germany's air armament." And a damn fine job they did too. The Nazis will use the technology to great effect with their Stuka dive bombers.

    1934: UNITED STATES. According to testimony of officials of the Harriman-Bush controlled Hamburg-Amerika steamship line, a supervisor from the "Nazi Labor Front" rides with every one of the line's ships; employees of the New York offices are directly organized into the Nazi Labor Front organization; Hamburg-Amerika provides free passage to individuals travelling for Nazi propaganda purposes; and the line subsidizes pro-Nazi newspapers in the U.S., as it had done in Germany in order to bring about the destruction of the constitutional government and the installation of Adolf Hitler.

    1935: GERMANY. At the personal request of Adolf Hitler, General Motors constructs a new plant near Berlin for the manufacture of the Wehrmacht's “Blitz” military truck. The Blitz truck is a vital element in the Wehrmacht’s planned blitzkrieg (lightning war) against Czechoslovakia, Poland, France and other European nations. General Motors also builds armored cars and tanks for the Nazi conquest of Europe and for the planned invasion and destruction of the Soviet Union. It's just good business.

    1935-42: UNITED STATES/GERMANY. Like a good Nazi shyster, John Foster Dulles sets up a convoluted maze of companies to hide the true, ultimate German ownership of the American Bosch Company. Bosch is the world's leading manufacturer of Diesel injection pumps and fuel injectors, vital elements in military vehicles, tanks, boats and submarines. American Bosch happily provides intelligence to the Nazis on U.S. war production.

    To further hide the ownership of American Bosch, Dulles creates another layer of corporate deception which appears to transfer the ownership of Bosch to Swedish interests via a Delaware corporation, Providentia, of which Dulles himself is the sole voting trustee.

    In July 1941, American Bosch refuses to provide the U.S. government with Diesel injectors for the U.S. military. In May 1942, American Bosch is confiscated under the Alien Property Custodian Act by which time the great patriot Dulles has succeeded in delaying the widespread manufacturing of Diesel engines in the U.S. for five years during the critical period when America was trying to rebuild its military strength.

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