1936-42: GERMANY. The Texas Oil Company (Texaco) under Torkild...

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    1936-42: GERMANY. The Texas Oil Company (Texaco) under Torkild Rieber and the Rockefellers' Standard Oil (later Esso/Exxon, now Exxon-Mobil) and independent Crusader (Davis) Oil supply crude and refined oil to Nazi Germany to fuel its bombing of Spain, the conquest of Europe, the Luftwaffe’s fighters during the Battle of Britain, the U-boats blockading Britain, the Luftwaffe’s bombing of Britain and the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union.

    Crusader Oil builds and operates a major refinery in Hamburg called Eurotank with financing courtesy of the First National Bank of Boston. Crusader’s owner, William Rhodes Davis, becomes a registered agent of the German spy agency, the Abwehr, and passes American defense secrets to the Nazis. Prior to the declaration of war on the U.S. by Hitler, Davis receives large sums of money from the Nazis for propaganda and political campaigns to keep the U.S. out of the war. Ultimately, Davis becomes involved in Nazi plans to establish fuel depots in remote Caribbean islands for U-boats attacking targets on the U.S. east coast. His pro-Nazi activities come to an end when he dies “suddenly”. At the request of British Intelligence, Davis’s demise isn't investigated too closely.

    Texaco head Torkild Rieber is so utterly ruthless that he scares even the Nazis, who call him Leichengaenger, “the man who walks over corpses of his own making”. In addition to supplying the Nazis with fuel, Rieber uses Texaco’s world-wide organization to spy for them.

    1936-45: UNITED STATES. The Nazi Schroeder Bank in New York merges with the Rockefeller interests to form Schroeder, Rockefeller & Company, Inc. Carlton P. Fuller of Schroeder Banking Corporation is made president and Avery Rockefeller, nephew of John D. Rockefeller, owns 42% and is made vice president. Baron Bruno von Schroeder and his cousin, Kurt von Schroeder of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and the Gestapo, own 47 percent. Nazi shyster Allen Dulles serves on the board of the Schroeder Bank. Nazi shyster John Foster Dulles is the bank's legal counsel. The German parent bank acts as the financial arm of the Nazi Party and will, in the next few years, siphon large sums of money from the U.S. to Nazi Germany.

    1936: UNITED STATES. Prescott Bush, grandfather of George "I'm A Lyin' Guy" Bush, hires Nazi shyster and financier Allen Dulles to create a massive legal smokescreen behind which to conceal his dealings on behalf of the Thyssen steel interests, major backers and financiers of Adolf Hitler.

    1936: GERMANY. Harry Laughlin, Director of the Harriman/Rockefeller master race project otherwise known as the Eugenics Record Office in Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island New York, is granted an honorary doctorate by Heidelberg University in recognition of his contribution to the "science" of Nazi eugenics.

    1937: UNITED STATES. Representatives of the Duponts' General Motors meet in Boston with Baron Manfred von Killinger, Nazi Germany's West Coast chief of espionage, and Baron von Tippleskirsch, Nazi Germany's Consul General in the U.S. and a Gestapo officer, in Boston. The group signs an agreement showing total commitment to the Nazi cause and agrees to make every effort to remove Franklin Roosevelt as president replacing him with a fuhrer friendlier to the Nazis such as Senator Burton K. Wheeler.

    They further agree that Jewish influence in the U.S. must be eradicated and that the U.S. mass media should be be used to discredit the Roosevelt regime. Although the agreement is made in the strictest secrecy, Representative John M. Coffee of Washington uncovers it and will have the entire text entered into the Congressional Record in August 1942.

    1937-45: GERMANY. Nazi armaments maker Ford not only produces military vehicles for the Nazis inside Germany itself, but also manufactures military vehicles for the Nazis in the U.S. and exports them for final assembly at Ford-Werke in Cologne. The military trucks are ready just in time to be used in Hitler's invasion and occupation of Czechoslovakia in the spring of 1939. Ford also supplies strategic war materials to the Nazis via subsidiaries in third countries. In early 1937 alone, Ford supplies the Nazi war machine with almost two million pounds of rubber and 130,000 pounds of copper. At the same time, General Motors is busily making military vehicles, including tanks, for the Nazis which will soon be used in the invasions of Czechoslovakia, Poland and France.

    Following World War Two, a U.S. Army report will state: "Of the 350,000 trucks which the motorized German army possessed in 1942, 100,000 to 120,000 were Ford-built. Of the Wehrmacht's total of 650,000 mobile units of all kinds, 15 to 20% were built by Ford, including approximately 10,000 half-tracks." In addition to his crucial contributions of money and vital raw materials and armaments to the Nazis, Ford endears himself to Hitler by writing and publishing The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem, an anti-Semitic tract worthy of old Adolf himself. Or would it be more accurate to say that Mein Kampf was a tract worthy of Henry Ford himself?

    1938: GERMANY. James Mooney, General Motors' director in charge of overseas operations, receives the Grand Cross of the Supreme Order of the German Eagle from Adolf Hitler for his “distinguished service to the Reich” which consists, among other things, of supplying tens of thousands of military vehicles, including tanks, to the Nazis. It's just good business....

    1938: GERMANY. Charles Lindbergh is awarded the Grand Cross of the Supreme Order of the German Eagle for his contributions to the Third Reich. The medal is pinned on Lindbergh's chest by none other than Reich Air Marshal, Hermann Goering.

    1938-45: GERMANY. The Union Banking Corporation, set up by Prescott Bush, grandfather of George "I'm A Lyin' Guy" Bush, and Averell Harriman as a front for Nazi interests in the U.S., provides financing for the shipment of massive quantities of tetraethyl lead to the Luftwaffe. Without the gasoline additive for high performance engines, especially warplane engines, the Nazis' plan for the conquest of Europe by blitzkrieg could not have succeeded. The vital war material itself is provided by the Ethyl Company of New Jersey, a conspiracy, sorry, a consortium, of the usual suspects, the Rockefellers' Standard Oil, DuPont and General Motors. The Ethyl Company continues to supply the Nazis even after the U.S. War Department makes written protests to the company. It's just good business....

    I could keep going...for a long time but hopefully smarter minds will get the idea. So I guess the real question regarding the start of WW2 is "Was Hitler even necessary"? The way I see it he was just another politician belong used by our real enemy, the same enemy that exists today and is still trying to establish it's great reset, errm, 1000 year Reich, umm, 'New World Order'. Wakey wakey, stop yelling at the shadows on the cave wall.
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