British People Grasp The Magnitude Of The Problems Their Governments Have Caused, page-706

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 37
    "England expelled Jews in 1290, immediately entered an unprecedented Golden age of progress and prosperity."

    I'm aware of the expulsion but couldn't find any info on England's economy immediately after, can you post a couple of links?

    "Hitler showed them the door in 1933, Germany experienced an economic miracle almost immediately beginning in 1933. Unmatched to this day!."

    Really? Firstly, he murdered way more than he expelled, in fact all of the stories I've heard about were the silly buggers who chose to stay in Germany instead of leaving while they had the chance. The German economy didn't bounce because the Jews left (they didn't), in fact what the German government did reminds me of how our government treated the 'unvaxxed' during the covid scam.

    "When Hitler became Reich Chancellor on 30 January 1933 he wasted no time in beginning the Nazi plan of ridding Germany of the Jews. This began with a campaign of boycotts against Jewish-owned businesses, facilitated by the muscle of the SA stormtroopers. The Reichstag passed a series of anti-Jewish laws, starting with the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service on 7 April 1933, which took employment rights from Jewish public servants and reserved state employment for ‘Aryans’.What followed was a systematic legal assault on human rights, including forbidding Jews from sitting university exams and prohibiting the owning of anything from typewriters to pets, bicycles and precious metals. 1935’s ‘Nuremberg Laws’ defined who was German and who was a Jew. They stripped Jews of citizenship and forbade them to marry Aryans.All in all the Nazi regime enacted some 2,000 anti-Jewish decrees, effectively prohibiting Jews from taking part in all facets of public and private life, from work to entertainment to education.In retaliation against a Jewish gunman shooting two German officials for the mistreatment of his parents, the SS organised Kristallnacht on 9 – 10 November 1938. Synagogues, Jewish businesses and homes were vandalised and burned. 91 Jews were killed in the violence and 30,000 were arrested and subsequently sent to newly built concentration camps."

    I think you are confused about who were the bad guy back then.

    As for the German economy, it's recovery had nothing to with the persecution of the Jews.

    Before the Nazis took control of the Reichstag in 1933, around 6 million Germans were unemployed; the German economy was in total collapse, Germany had no international credit rating, and was almost bankrupt from World War 1 reparations payments.The German people were demotivated, factories were closed from lack of money to pay wages, benefits were cut as the Government had no money to pay them and inflation was spiralling out of control. Inside an incredible three years, all this was changed. Unemployment was banned by the Nazi Party and went from 5 million to zero in the space of a few years. Every unemployed man had to take up an available job, or risk being sent to prison. Non-Germans had their citizenship removed and were thus not eligible for employment.

    The NSDAP stimulated the economy with spending programs using printed money and IOUs that companies could cash after 3 months when they’d taken on more staff, increased production and their output of goods. This was managed by the new ‘National Labour Service’ or Reichsarbeitsdienst.Work teams were created from unemployed Germans and companies were given money if they employed more workers. Massive infrastructure-building projects were established, constructing new Autobahns between major cities, which stimulated the German Car industry to build more cars, which then needed to employ more people.

    The Nazis sponsored building programmes for new Football Stadia, enormous housing projects, and planting of new forests. In 1937 a new state-sponsored car manufacturer was commissioned by Hitler to provide cheap cars for families. It was called Volkswagen, which meant ‘people’s car’ and families were encouraged to buy one by making monthly payments.

    Huge public works programmes were established in construction and agricultural labour and workers were given an armband, a shovel and a bicycle and then sent to their nearest project to work. From 1933 to 1936 the number of Germans working in the construction industry tripled to 2 million. Many worked renovating and building the public buildings of Berlin.

    etc etc, more at the link.

    There's way too much JDS in this world. I'm not saying that Israel is innocent of all crimes, they clearly aren't but let's fall into the trap of blaming them for everything wrong in the world when clearly the problem of evil seems to be evenly distributed among the whole human race. Let's not make it worse through lies and half-truths.

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