sidthefish,I applaud you!On your 3rd stubby at 6.35am. That's...

  1. 1,709 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2

    I applaud you!

    On your 3rd stubby at 6.35am. That's getting into it even quicker than Thommo at the Ashes :)

    Just a follow-up to my previous post, how is it in the United States' national interest to intervene in Syria's civil war?

    The US is publicly denouncing the Syrian government and is preparing to go to war with as-yet-unforeseen consequences for the use of chemical weapons that have not crossed international borders.

    What the Syrian government does in its own borders, and let's remember there has been no proof the government used the chemical weapons the US says they did, is of no importance to US national security.

    However what is a national security concern for the US is if Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups operating within Syria possess chemical weapons and could then smuggle them out of Syria for use in Iraq and Afghanistan and other theatres against US interests across the Middle East and elsewhere.

    It sounds to me like the US is claiming humanitarian reasons as an excuse to enter the war when the real target and concern are the terrorist groups that have their hands on at least some if not much of Syria's vast chemical weapons stockpiles.

    In reality their involvement will lead to something else happening - regime change in Syria, as that is exactly what will happen if the Syrian airbases and airforce are destroyed - it will totally change the balance of power in favour of the anti-government forces.

    Chaos will ensue.
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