Denben, The planet is fine,it will still be here when the human...

  1. 11,316 Posts.

    The planet is fine,it will still be here when the human race has gone ( to another planet with Bob Brown).

    The human race is like the Gillard Government, the end is inevitable, it's just how long we can string it out with all the perks. A few will survive to start all over again.

    It's the population explosion, not co2 that will cause problems in the future.

    No need to worry. mother nature will bring it back to balance.

    Do you think some money hungry politicians,scientists, scammers are smarter and more powerful then Mother nature?

    Us mere mortals against the Universe. LOL.

    My money is on the Universe.

    Carbon Tax is a scam and will achieve nothing but wealth distribution.



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