ELE 0.00% 0.5¢ elmore ltd

It's a reasonable point you make there Waldo tho obviously no...

  1. 504 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    It's a reasonable point you make there Waldo tho obviously no direct proof that the shares are coming from the placement and also doesn't really fit with the theory of some on here that there is some big player artificially keeping the price down to accumulate. Also shows none of the big Chinese companies are taking a heavy interest in the company.

    Like everything else there is a tendency on here for everything to be portrayed as overly positive. If the broker data showed insto buying then that would be spouted as the positive. As a general rule in the market following the "Smart money" is usually a prudent investing decision and at the moment the Smart money as walking away.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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