Bruce Pascoe and his Dark Emu

  1. 43,500 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 642
    ..... will come in the night and kick down your dunny door.

    I watched this terrific show which included a wide range of archeologists, anthropologists, architects, engineers, ethnologists, linguistics oh and some Aboriginal people too. and Peter Sutton, the man who started the challenge to Pascoe's hypothesis.

    the actual sites Pascoe described have been found. the Brewarrina aquaculture "farms", wide and long fields where monocultural cultivation of grains, along with grinding stones and evidence of baking bread, the Mithaka "factories" where grinding stones were manufactured on a large scale way in excess of what could possibly be used by the large local community so inferred that stones were traded as far away as Perth where grinding stones of the same stone were found, the SE Qld channel country where Aboriginal "houses" still stand, small villages in different sites where cultivation of food was planned, sophisticated crop rotation, and even on the Hawkesbury where yam tubers were cultivated in small acreages.

    there was other evidence not mentioned in the program such as aquaculture (a widespread practice that removed the need for nomadic hunter gatherer lifestyle.

    you deniers of Pascoe should really watch the program - its easy to find on I-view.

    but no, deniers won't watch it because it provides the evidence that the deniers of Aboriginal people believe are wrong.

    the show includes your fave boys, Andrew Bolt and others from SAD.... you'd like to see where your bizarre denials originate.

    neo Libs love to say that those not of their flavour are all lefties and wrong. I even read one poster today extending the unfounded idea that other humans lived in Aus before aboriginal people came here to reach ridiculous numbers of pre-existing inhabitants of Aus. without any archaeological evidence. this post was, I guess, intended the same - to suggest that all the factual evidence is wrong.

    so strange they've become so increasingly viral these months and weeks since the referendum was announced. its almost as bad as an election campaign. trolling, baiting, inflaming arguments with nonsensical and irrational claims. what are they frightened of that they have to create such havoc.?
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