What we have is a lack of respect. Primarily on the part of the...

  1. 420 Posts.

    What we have is a lack of respect. Primarily on the part of the elderly lady.

    Sure, she has passionate feelings about the subject. Tragically, she may have had sons or siblings killed in a war. So in one way, I recognise the fact that it's a little presumptious of me to proffer an opinion here, having never been in this situation - I'm quite cognisant of this.

    BUT to voice her protest on this day of all days was inappropriate. Arguably she created enormous offence to many former diggers and their families. She should have sucked her anger up and showed respect for the majority, if only for this day.

    Sure, Bruce was perhaps a little impertinent. But understandably so. The man's equally as passionate about the subject, good on him.

    War is hell, we all know this. But it's a necessary evil. Without it, this lady and her family otherwise may've been eating chopped suey for the past 60 years. Assuming of course, that she was left alive in the first place. Had she given sufficient thought to this alarming possibility?

    Regrettably we don't live in a perfect world. Mankind sadly is a vicious species in many ways.

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