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    Budget 2013-14 winners and losers

    By Joel Zander

    Updated 7 minutes ago

    Primary school students Photo: The Budget allows for $9.8b in school funding reforms outlined in the Gonski review, over six years from 2014-15. (AAP: Dan Peled)

    Treasurer Wayne Swan has handed down his sixth federal budget at Parliament House in Canberra.

    Here is a snapshot of the winners and losers from this year’s budget:

    $3.3 billion for DisabilityCare Australia in 2014-15 funded by half a percentage point increase to the Medicare levy. Total investment in scheme $19.3 billion over seven years ($14.3 billion in new money)

    $9.8 billion in school funding reforms outlined in the Gonski review, over six years from 2014-15

    $113 billion in defence funding over the forward estimates, up $10 billion from last year's budget. Includes $3 billion over nine years to obtain 12 EA-18G Growler electronic attack aircraft

    New spending of $3 billion over the forward estimates as part of a $24 billion infrastructure package. Includes $3 billion for the Melbourne Metro rail project and $1.8 billion for the WestConnex motorway in Sydney. $400 million will be allocated to Sydney's F3-M2 link and a further $715 million to Brisbane's Cross River Rail project

    $300 million on childcare reforms, including establishing a fund to help long daycare providers acquire a highly qualified workforce

    $300 million to support jobseekers, including allowing Newstart recipients to earn more from paid work – up to $100 a fortnight from the current $62 a fortnight, and indexed from July 2015

    $434 million for the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse

    $2.2 billion to be invested in the Medicare benefits schedule across five years, with a further $2.2 billion over four years towards the private health insurance rebate

    $226 million on cancer care, including $92.2 million over the forward estimates towards breast cancer screening and pap smears and $18.5 million towards prostate cancer screening

    A trial of $112.4 million towards assisting senior Australians to downsize to a more suitable home without affecting their pension, and $9.9 million to extend the Broadband for Seniors initiative

    $100 million on natural disaster mitigation to reduce insurance premiums

    Almost $100 million for a new farm household allowance to support farmers in hardship

    $64 million on national anti-gang taskforce comprising 70 members of the AFP and state police; $40.9 million for the National Crime Prevention Fund.

    $42 million for Antarctic climate change research

    Massive revenue write-downs – $170 billion over the last five years. A deficit of $19.4 billion in this current financial year, followed by a $18 billion deficit in 2013-14 and a $10.9 billion deficit in 2014-15 before a projected return to surplus by 2015-16.

    Significant reduction in tax receipts of $60 billion over the forward estimates, attributed to challenging global conditions and the high Australian dollar

    Minerals resources rent tax estimate down from an original forecast of $13.4 billion to $3.3 billion over the forward estimates

    Baby bonus to be abolished from March 1, 2014 and replaced by an increase to Family Tax Benefit Part A - $2,000 for the first child and $1,000 for subsequent children

    Moving the baby bonus to FTB-A means 28,000 families who would have received it in 2014-15 will now miss out, because that payment has a tighter means test.

    An additional increase to FTB-A, due in 2015 and worth $2.5 billion over the forward estimates (between $300 and $600 a year for families) has been dumped

    FTB-A eligibility changed for children aged 16 years and over - it will only be paid until the end of the calendar year in which a child completes school, effective from January 1, 2014

    $2.3 billion in cuts to higher education funding. The 10 per cent discount on paying university fees upfront will be abolished, student start-up scholarships will be converted to loans, and there will be a lower limit on tax deductibility of self-education courses, saving the Government $500 million

    Medicare safety net threshold increased from $1221.90 to $2,000 from January 1, 2015, saving the Government $105.6 million over the forward estimates

    $2.8 billion in tax cuts associated with the carbon trading scheme and due in 2015-16 have been deferred. They would have increased the tax-free threshold from $18,200 to $19,400. People earning up to $80,000 a year would have saved nearly $1.60 a week

    The tax cuts associated with the carbon trading scheme will be deferred until the estimated carbon price reaches $25.40 a tonne - the current projection has dropped to $12.10
    The research and development tax incentive will only apply to companies with an annual aggregate turnover of less than $20 billion, saving the Government $1.1 billion over the forward estimates

    $500 million over three years cut from the Carbon Capture and Storage Flagships program

    $370 million of funding for the Australian Renewable Energy Agency moved to beyond the forward estimates

    Non-Kyoto Carbon Fund scrapped, saving $389 million

    $270 million cut from a program designed to support coal mining jobs

    Deductions for work-related education expenses capped at $2,000 from July 1, 2014, saving $514.3 million over the forward estimates.

    As in last year’s budget, the foreign aid increase has been postponed for another year, saving the Government $3 billion over the forward estimates. $375 million of current foreign aid investment will go towards asylum seekers in Australia, a figure which will be capped

    Tax crackdown on big business - including tightening the rules to prevent profit shifting - saving the Government $4.2 billion over the forward estimates

    $900 million in revenue over the forward estimates from changes to superannuation tax arrangements, including taxing earnings of more than $100,000 on superannuation pensions and annuities at 15 per cent instead of them being tax free

    $665 million cut from the teachers bonus over the forward estimates

    $580 million in cuts to the public service over the forward estimates

    $100 million in cuts to solar funding

    The average cost of a basic packet of cigarettes will increase by 7 cents in the first half of 2014.

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